
Class 2

Mrs Arnold

Class 2 Teacher

Mrs Bartlett

Teaching Assistant

Mrs S O'Mahoney

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hatton

Teaching Assistant

Mrs T Suffolk

Teaching Assistant

AUTUMN TERM 2024                                                                          

Welcome to our Class 2 page!

Dear parents/carers,

We hope that you had a wonderful Summer break and would like to wish you and your children a very warm welcome to Class 2 this term.

We are very much looking forward to getting started with our new topics. Mrs Arnold will be teaching the class, ably supported by our TAs, Mrs Bartlett and Mrs O'Mahoney. We will also have some support from Mrs Hatton and Mrs Suffolk.

Our classroom door opens each day at 8:30am and closes at 8:45am for the register. As soon as they have put their belongings away, the children begin with "Morning Maths" - please try to arrive as promptly as possible to allow your child to time to complete this important daily learning. 

All children will be given a reading book and reading record - these must be brought to school daily in a book bag please. Reading at this age is so important and is the key to accessing the whole curriculum. Please ensure that you read daily with your child, filling in their reading record to let us know how they got on (noting any words or sounds they found tricky and sign it to say you have listened to them). Children will also be bringing home a library book - this is a book for you to share and enjoy and is not for your child to read independently. These will be changed fortnightly.

We will also issue spellings each week to learn at home. Please practice these with your child as much as possible. For children in Year 2, please also work with them on their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. In class, the children will be assessed and set individual targets to work on. Please encourage your children to play on Sumdog and TTRockstars (Year 2s only) as this has shown to be an effective way to help the children to learn. Each Friday, your child will have a spelling test.

Our homework will be set each Friday on Google Classroom and needs to be submitted by the following Friday. We will be using a grid with different options of homework to help parents to balance their work and time effectively. Please encourage your child to log on to this each week. If you require support in accessing Google Classroom, please contact the school office who can put you in contact with our IT support team.

P.E. will be on a Thursday; children should bring their PE kit in on the first day of each term and then leave it in their locker so that it is available in school every day. We will send them home during half-term holidays for washing.

Following our healthy school policy, we ask that children bring only water in their bottles; we will provide a healthy snack for them at morning break time. Reading books need to be brought in every day (in a book bag please so that they don’t get damaged) as well as a coat on colder/wetter days.

If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact the office at hello@whitemoor.org.uk - we are always here to help!

Kind regards,

Mrs E. Arnold


KS1 Class Teacher
Senior Teacher; English, Music and RE Lead

Whitemoor Academy
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