
Useful Links & Downloads

Statutory policies that the DfE require to be published online are available to download under the 'Statutory Information' tab.  Below are some further policies you may find helpful.  If you can't find what you are looking for then please click the Aspire Policies link below, or contact the school office.

The Aspire Academy Trust is committed to supporting positive mental health and the Aspire Mental Health Policy is available below. 

The ‘Leading a Mentally Healthy School’ training programme has been developed by Health Education England (HEE) and the School Development Support Agency (SDSA), in partnership with an expert group of educational psychologists, education consultants and mental health organisations and responds to the areas highlighted in the recent Green Paper – ‘Transforming Children & Young People’s Mental Health Provision’ (December 2017).

School Closure Information
In case of adverse weather conditions which may result in closure of the school, I would like to make you aware of the emergency school closure procedures. Closure of the school is not made lightly and if it is at all possible to keep the school open, we will. The criterion used for a decision to close the school is listed below for your information. In the case of extreme weather, a risk assessment is made by the Head of School.
The facts considered are:

  • Are there sufficient staff able to get to school in order to ensure safe child/adult ratios?
  • Do conditions on school grounds pose a risk to the health and safety of pupils, parents and staff?
  • Is the temperature in school within accepted guidelines, and are all facilities (water, electricity, toilets and
  • kitchen) operational?
  • Are conditions forecast to worsen, which may put staff and parents driving home at risk?

Whitemoor Academy
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