

Our intent in Geography is to:
  • Provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world
  • Allow children to develop an interest in their local surroundings and the importance of caring for the local environment. 
  • Develop a knowledge of processes that help to form key features of the world. 
  • Develop children’s sense of awe and wonder of the world around them. 
  • Enhance a sense of responsibility for the world in which we live and the people within it. 
  • Learn to use specific geographical skills including, fieldwork, map skills and geographical enquiry.


The curriculum is designed to develop both transferable and progressive skills that will equip our children throughout their education and beyond.

Early Years: 

Geography is taught thematically in EYFS and is integral to learning during the year. Objectives set out in the Early Years curriculum are covered through an awareness of self and others, and the world around us. Geography makes a significant contribution to the Early Learning Goal objectives and understanding and skills area  developed  through a broad range of activities such as finding out about different places and habitats and investigating our locality. 

Key Stage One and Two: 

In order for pupils to meet the expectations set out in the National Curriculum we provide a rich programme of study that reflects both local and world geography. The Geography curriculum is coherent, shows progression, and provides opportunity for children to take inspiration from the world around them, both locally and further afield. 

Geography at Whitemoor is taught in blocks throughout the year to facilitate learning and recall. Key knowledge and skills required for each unit are identified and woven into the topics taught so that progression in all areas can be achieved and is visible across the school. Children are encouraged to share prior knowledge before the start of each new unit and what they would like to know. This ensures an adaptive programme of study that reflects the children’s individual starting point. By utilising the village and surrounding local area to support desired learning outcomes, and with opportunities for learning outside the classroom embedded in practice, we aim for all  children to develop an interest in being keen geographers!

Whitemoor Academy
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