
Class 4

Mrs Ford

Class Teacher

Mrs Hooper

Head of school / Class 4 teacher (Friday)

Miss Kym Wimberlery

Teaching Assistant

Mrs O'Mahoney

Teaching Assistant

Autumn Term 2024
                                                                         Welcome to our Class 4 page!

Dear parents/carers,

A huge welcome back to the new academic year and the Autumn term. We are all ready to embrace some new learning.  The class is taught by Mrs Ford Monday-Thursday and by Mrs Hooper on a Friday and supported by Miss Wimberley and Mrs O'Mahoney.

Our classroom door opens each day at 8:30am and closes at 8:45am for the register. Please ensure your child arrives promptly as there is always a morning maths activity to start their day, missing this could mean missing that vital first start!

Homework - please practice your child's spellings (weekly test on a Friday) and read with your child daily. Times tables should also be practiced daily to support with rapid recall, your child has a login for TTRockstars to support with this.  This will really ensure they are ready for their daily maths lessons. 

A homework grid can be found at the bottom of the page - your child is expected to complete one piece a week and will earn house points per piece submitted.  This can be via Google classroom or in their homework book.

Please encourage your children to use TTRockstars to support their times tables.

Our homework will be set each Friday and can be accessed on Google Classroom or in their homework book and needs to be submitted by the following Friday. We will be using a grid with different options of homework to help parents to balance their work and time effectively. Please encourage your child to log on to this each week. If you require support in accessing Google Classroom, please contact the school office who can put you in contact with our IT support team.

P.E. will be on a Friday; children should bring their PE kit in on the first day of each term and then leave it on their peg so that it is available in school every day. We will send them home during half-term holidays for washing.

Following our healthy school policy, we ask that children bring only water in their bottles and a healthy snack for them at morning break time. Reading books need to be brought in every day as well as a coat on colder/wetter days.

If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact the office at hello@whitemoor.org.uk - we are always here to help!

The Class 4 Team

Mrs Ford, Mrs Hooper, Miss Wimberley and Mrs O'Mahoney
Important Information
P.E - Fridays, but please have your kit in school at all times as due to changes in timetables sometimes P.E may take place on an alternative day.
Homework consists of: daily reading, weekly spellings, times tables and a grid is provided for your child to select one activity from each week to complete also. This is due on a Friday.
Inspiring a love for reading
In Class 4 we read our class book at the end of every day as well as listening to the children read their choice of book weekly. Not only do we have a well stocked library available for our children to access, they also have access to Mrs Ford's personal library -with some highly recommended books. We are developing our reading area by introducing a comfy chair and soft furnishings. 
All children are provided with a reading record and will have the opportunity to visit the school library each week to choose a non-fiction book to take home.

Whitemoor Academy
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